Poland: City of Lublin hosts first Pride march amid violent counter-protests

The city of Lublin in Poland hosted its first ever Pride event this weekend. However, the parade was marred by violent clashes between police and groups attempting to disrupt the Pride event.

Around 1,500 people took part in the Equality March on Saturday (13 October), according to news site Poland in English. About 200 counter-demonstrators turned up at the march. The counter-protesters threw stones and bottles, and several attempted to block the march before being removed by police. Police used tear-gas and water cannons to disperse the counter-demonstrators, which saw two police officers injured in the clashes.

‘We have arrested several people but I am sure that number will increase,’ said Renata Laszczka-Rusek, a spokeswoman for Lublin police. ‘During the gathering, we provided security for the participants despite the numerous illegal actions of their opponents.’

Participants of the Pride march praised the police’s handling of the situation.

Ban lifted

The city’s mayor had banned the march several days ago. Local news reported that the regional governor Przemysław Czarnek, a member of the anti-LGBTI Law & Justice (PiS) party, called on Mayor Krzysztof Żuk to halt the event due to security concerns. Read more via Gay Star News

Polish police used tear gas and a water cannon against right-wing extremists who were trying to block the first-ever equality parade in the city of Lublin in eastern Poland.