UK: ‘Women’s Equality And Trans Equality Do Not Contradict, Or Compete With Each Other’

Chwarae Teg (‘fair play’ in Welsh) is an organisation based in Wales supporting women. Chwarae Teg’s Policy and Research Lead, Natasha Davies, explains why modernising the Gender Recognition Act is an important step towards trans equality and does not compromise women’s rights or safety.

In July, Chwarae Teg, along with three other women’s organisations in Wales – Women’s Equality Network (WEN) WalesWomen Connect First and Welsh Women’s Aid – released a statement in support of trans women.

This statement came alongside the announcement that UK Government would be consulting on proposed reforms to the Gender Recognition Act 2004

We abhor the bullying and transphobia that trans women have faced throughout this process and historically

We welcomed the consultation and the opportunity for everyone’s voices to be heard, yet some of the discussion around the consultation has been damaging and frankly dangerous. We abhor the bullying and transphobia that trans women have faced throughout this process and historically, which has no place in our society. Read more via Rights Info