Kenya: Banned lesbian film becomes second-highest grossing Kenyan film of all time

The Kenyan film banned for its ‘lesbian content’ became the top performing film for the week it screened in cinemas.

Censors banned Rafiki but its director took the government to court to overturn the ban. Director, Wanuri Kahiu, wants to put Rafiki in the running to win a Best Foreign Language Oscar, but to do so the film needed to screen in its home country for at least seven days.

In September a court ruled to temporarily suspend the ban and audiences rushed to see the film. The distributors rushed to add extra screenings to meet up with demand. Cinemas still had to turn away due to packed cinemas.

But now it has been revealed that in the short space of seven days, Rafiki became the second highest grossing Kenyan of all time. It one week, Rafiki grossed US$33,000. It even beat Hollywood blockbusters, The Nun and Night School at the box office. Read more via Gay Star News