Argentina: 13+ heartwarming images of 2018 Marcha del Orgullo in Buenos Aires

Thousands took to the streets of Buenos Aires on Saturday 17 November to celebrate the annual Marcha del Orgullo.

Buenos Aires Pride is the largest LGBTI event in Argentina and attracts tourists and locals every year.

Particularly, the local LGBTI community called for a law protecting trans workers.

At the moment, in fact, trans people aren’t protected by a specific anti-discrimination law. However, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the city of Rosario include sexual orientation in their civil rights and anti-discrimination laws.

As usual, crowds gathered in Plaza de Mayo, one of the most popular locations in the city. Marchers then took to Plaza de los Dos Congresos.

Once there, activists read a manifesto calling for an anti-discrimination law. Moreover, advocacy groups asked for a law regulating abortion, which is still prohibited in Argentina.

See more via Gay Star News