Indonesia: Google bows to ministry's request to remove LGBT apps

Up to 14 apps considered to contain and promote LGBT-related pornographic content have reportedly been removed from the Google Play Store.

The Communications and Information Ministry's public relations bureau acting head, Noor Iza, told on Monday that since Sunday at 12:30 a.m. the gay social network app Blued, which has been a hot topic of discussion among netizens since late last year, had been removed from the Play Store for the Indonesian market.

"Until now up to 14 apps have been removed. Blued itself had three apps on Google Play Store," he said. Meanwhile, Indonesians who use iOS devices are still able to access the app, to which Noor said, "I don't know [whether the ministry has sent a similar request to Apple]. They should since there are two operating systems [largely used in Indonesia]." Read more via Jakarta Post