Australia: Historic move on adoption rights

In an historic move, amendments to the NT Adoption of Children Act were passed this week in the Legislative Assembly that will allow de facto and same sex couples the legal right to adopt children in the Northern Territory. The Act previously only allowed adults who were a married man and woman, or in a traditional Aboriginal marriage, the right to legally adopt children.

“Children and families are at the heart of the Government’s decision making and that’s why we introduced this legislation change to Parliament last year,” Minister for Territory Families, Dale Wakefield said. “All couples, regardless of marital status or gender, who genuinely want to provide children with a loving, caring and safe home environment, should have the legal right to apply. Modernising our adoption laws reflect the diversity of Territory families today.”

Prior to the legislation change, the NT was the only jurisdiction in Australia that did not permit people in de facto or same sex relationships the right to adopt children. Read more via Katherine Times