US: Georgia Lawmakers Are Trying To Take Away The Right To Adopt For LGBTQ Families Like Mine

“Do you have your ID?” I asked my son as we were heading to the door. 

“Yes,” he replied. 

On Thursday, we hopped in the car to join the rest of Atlanta traffic. We were on our way to the state Capitol. It was a big day, full of positive energy and new experiences for my son. I hoped that after lobbying at the Capitol, he would more fully understand what’s at stake for families like ours ― and kids like him.  

My son and I are members of the two populations directly targeted by SB 375. I am an LGBTQ man married to my husband of four years, and our son is an LGBTQ former foster youth. And we were traveling to Atlanta to lobby against the passage of the discriminatory SB 375.

SB 375 is a bill, recently passed in the Georgia Senate, that would allow adoption agencies to refuse to work with LGBTQ couples. Those in support of the bill are of the mentality that it would allow faith-based organizations to take part in government programs. The bill is now slated to go to the Georgia House ― and its passage would create barriers to adoption for families like my own.

Three years ago, my husband and I decided we were ready to adopt. Like many, we weren’t really sure where to begin. And for LGBTQ individuals such as us, it was even less clear. 

A number of questions ran through our heads. Does this agency work with LGBTQ people? Will us being Jewish prevent us from adopting? Maybe they will approve us, but will they actually match us with any kids? 

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