Australia: PrEP Listing Brings HIV Goal Closer

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is to be listed on the PBS from 1 April, Health Minister Greg Hunt has announced. The preventative medicine tenofovir disoproxil fumarate with emtricitabine, or Truvada, is for people at medium-to-high risk of HIV infection.

The listing puts Australia in reach of being one of the first countries in the world to end the transmission of HIV, Health Minister Greg Hunt says.

“PrEP is a medical innovation that will save Australian lives and the decision to list it is one of the most significant advancements in HIV transmission Australia has ever seen,” Mr Hunt says. “The treatment involves taking an anti-retroviral medicine daily to reduce the risk of HIV infection and will now be a key component in our comprehensive commitment in the fight against HIV. 

“The $180 million listing means up to 32,000 patients each year will pay a maximum of only $39.50 per script, with concessional patients paying just $6.40. Without subsidy, patients would pay $2,496 per year for this medicine.”

In its recommendation to list the treatment, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee stressed that PrEP should form part of a “comprehensive approach” to sexual health and complement other safe sex practices. Read more via AJP