Indonesia: Vigilantes raid home of ‘gay’ men

A group of vigilantes raided the home of two men who they alleged were gay. They then turned them over to police in Indonesia. The group stormed the men’s room at a boarding house in west Jakarta on Saturday evening.

Gay Star News has chosen not to name the men aged 40 and 28 who work in business and as a labourer respectively. The vigilantes accused them of being a couple and having sex when they raided their home. Neighbors said they became suspicious of them men because they had allegedly seen them hugging.

Police confirmed the mob delivered the men to them by and they were processed at the Palmerah Station.

‘Residents raided the rented rented house and found (the men), were living in a relationship like a married couple.By local residents, LGBT couples were brought directly to Palmerah Police. Residents are already suspicious signs LGBT couple,’ Chief of Palmerah Police, Kompol Aryono, told Warta Kota.

The men were not charged, but it is understood they were sent to ‘prayer rehab’ and social conformity classes at Jakarta’s Social Services. Read more via Gay Star News