Kenya: Falsehoods in newspaper trigger anti-gay abuses

The April 15 article “Gays make inroads in Kisumu” triggered a series of human rights abuses, according to the Kisumu-area activist. Online, the article has another inflammatory headline, “Uproar as homosexuality spreads across Kisumu.”

The West Kenyan activist said that, in response to the Sunday Standard article:

  • Ten cases of threats and intimidation were reported to Nyarwek (the Nyanza, Rift Valley and Western Kenya Coalition), which seeks recognition of the human rights of LGBT people.
  • Eight of the people who were threatened are hiding out and two have been temporarily relocated to safe locations.
  • Preachers devoted their sermons to condemnations of homosexuality.
  • Families threw their gay children out of their homes after identifying them by the  clothing that’s visible in the photo that the Standard’s photographer took in the waiting room of the Men Against Aids Youth Organisation (MAAYGO) clinic.
  • The clinic was closed, at least temporarily.

Among the article’s most inflammatory claims is the statement that homosexuality is increasing in KisumuThat claim comes out of thin air. No one in the article says it’s so, unless it’s an unnamed “senior official” at the clinic, who actually seems to be discussing an increase in the number of people that the clinic serves. That senior official says simply, “The number is growing.”

In addition, without saying so, it seems that the reporter shares the widespread false belief that homosexuals “recruit” straight men into homosexuality.

Whoever wrote the caption under the photo definitely believes that falsehood.  Read more via 76 Crimes