South Africa: Power and Participation

In early 2017, Triangle Project (Triangle) and the LGBTQ Victory Institute (Victory Institute) commissioned a research report into the political participation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ) persons in South Africa. This research report reflects the process and results of that study, conducted between April 2017 and September 2017.

This report forms part of the broader work of Triangle and the Victory Institute towards increasing the participation of LGBTIQ people in democratic processes in South Africa, and achieving equality for LGBTIQ people.

Additional elements of this work include training LGBTIQ activists and advocates who are interested in democratic processes to get more involved in formal political spaces; and civil society forums to create a platform for the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and best practice around the political participation of LGBTIQ people.

The project's main objective1 was to identify the opportunities to increase the political participation of LGBTIQ people in South Africa. This included six specific objectives as shown below. Specific objective 5 was noted as the most important. Read more via the Victory Institute