US: Trans people living with HIV take back health care debate

Transgender Law Center’s Positively Trans project today launched #ACApositive, a campaign to shift the conversation about health care and the Affordable Care Act towards a focus on the life-or-death stakes for transgender people living with HIV. Launching just a week after news broke that the Trump administration plans to attack the Affordable Care Act’s protections for transgender people, the campaign seeks to amplify the experiences and voices of transgender people of color living with HIV in federal health care policy.

“By undermining the Affordable Care Act, the Trump administration is undermining the survival of transgender people of color living with HIV,” said Cecilia Chung, senior director of strategic projects at Transgender Law Center and founder of Positively Trans. “Yet so few advocates, policymakers, or media outlets covering these attacks on health care are talking about the stakes for my community. By saying we are #ACApositive, transgender people living with HIV are demanding that our voices and experiences be heard and respected.”

The digital campaign will feature the stories and perspectives of dozens of transgender people living with HIV, including through a Twitter town hall on Monday, May 7th, at 11am PT/2pm ET.

“We are now living in a medically advanced world where, with proper treatment, HIV has become manageable, chronic condition and not a death sentence – unless you are poor, unless you are a person of color, and especially unless you’re a poor transgender person of color,” says Arianna Lint, a member of the Positively Trans National Advisory Board. “For us, it is 1980. The Affordable Care Act has been a critical step towards finally addressing this crisis and giving us a chance to thrive. To turn back on it now would be cruel and, for many, fatal.” Read more via TLC