South Africa: Cape Town pastor found guilty of contempt of court for anti-gay slurs

Cape Town church leader Reverend Oscar Bougardt has been sentenced to 30 days in prison, suspended for five years, for contempt of court after he disregarded a court order barring him from making anti-gay comments.

Judge Lee Bozalek, in the Equality Court in Cape Town on Friday, said Bougardt's comments advocated hatred and were clearly discriminatory. Bougardt reached a settlement with the SA Human Rights Commission in 2014 following anti-gay statements. He agreed to stop making hateful comments about the LGBTQ community.

He however continued, referring to gay people as "perverted". He also advocated for criminalisation, saying they should "deal with them like they do in Nigeria". Bougardt also declared that the drought crippling Cape Town should be blamed on "wickedness and homosexuality and church leaders who fail to preach the Bible and sodomite abomination". Read more via news24