Russia: Gay couple severely beaten while rainbow flag waved at match

French same-sex couple visiting Russia for the FIFA World Cup were attacked by thugs, while an activist made a defiant statement at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow on Thursday.

The couple were reportedly targeted while catching a taxi together in Saint Petersburg. One of the victims, identified as O Darius, was hospitalised with severe brain injury, according to Operdrain, a channel on the Telegram messaging app.

The Sun also reported that doctors discovered that the victim had a brain contusion, and a craniocerebral injury, as well as an upper jaw fracture, leaving the man “disabled.” It is unclear what injuries were suffered by the second man.

The victims were also robbed of their possessions, including their phones and money, during the assault. Two men, named as Ismet Gaidarov and Rasul Magomedev, believed to be in their 20s, have been arrested in connection with the attack.

On a more positive note, on Thursday, Alexander Agapov, the president of the Russian LGBT Sports Federation, made history when he held up a rainbow flag at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow during the Russia vs Saudi Arabia game. He also waved the flag while President Putin made a speech before the match, all apparently without incident. Read more via Mamba