Ireland: Another Catholic LGBT group complains requests to be part of Pope's visit ignored

THE GLOBAL NETWORK of Rainbow Catholics (GNRC) says it is “deeply dismayed and disappointed” after receiving no response in its requests to be part of the World Meeting of Families.

Pope Francis is travelling to Ireland for two days next month to be part of the event.

Earlier this week We Are Church Ireland, a group which campaigns for the equal inclusion of women and LGBT people in the Catholic church, also described how it was being ‘ignored and discriminated against’ in its applicationto be part of the event.

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin have previously said that same-sex issues would be discussed during a pastoral congress in Dublin’s RDS held as part of the event but two LGBT groups have now complained about a lack of response.

The GNRC, which represents 32 LGBTI Catholic groups from around the world, says it applied for an exhibit booth on 17 April and that despite repeated requests for a decision, and information that booth spaces are still available, it has still received no response.

We Are Church Ireland said it applied back in February to have a stand in the RDS, and even paid a deposit, but did not receive a written response.

Responding to the criticism from We Are Church, a spokesperson for the World Meeting of Families told, “We Are Church are one of a number of organisations who are on a holding list in respect of exhibition space …. many of these groups are on hold because they do not meet our stated criteria which was provided to them at the time of their application.  Read more via the Journal