Israel: Outrage after 200 leading rabbis in Israel call gays ‘perverts’

More than 200 of Israel’s leading rabbis have caused outrage by signing a letter calling LGBTI people ‘perverts’. The missive also condemned the gay community for wanting surrogacy rights.

The letter came after widespread protests in opposition to a new surrogacy law that excluded single men and gay couples.  Leading rabbis signed the letter in support of the chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, who spoke out against gay surrogacy rights.

Rabbi said gay surrogacy would give children ‘wretched’ lives

Aryeh Stern said gay surrogacy would cause ‘children to be born and enter a very strange and unnatural life’. He also said childrens’ lives would become ‘wretched.’

The rabbis wrote that Stern had simply spoken about ‘the eternal truth of our holy Torah and human normalcy’. They claimed outrage at the ‘organisations of abomination, who carry out impudent marches in the cities of Israel.’

The LGBTI community received strong support from business, politicians and the public in nation-wide protests against the new law.

‘[T]he aggressive terror which accompanies the media’s brainwashing’ designed to ‘destroy the concept of family and turn perverts into heroes will not succeed,’ he rabbis wrote. ‘[A]nd nor will the attempt to silence rabbis and sane people and turn them into delusional extremists.’ Read more via Gay Star News