Singapore: Calling for repeal of 377A, Action for Aids says law has negative impact on HIV prevention

SINGAPORE — Advocacy group Action for Aids (AFA) has lent its voice to the heated debate over a law here that criminalises sex between men, saying its repeal will significantly strengthen programmes to control the spread of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and sexually transmitted infections in Singapore.

The repeal of Section 377A of the Penal Code will help to control HIV and sexually transmitted infections not only for homosexual men, but everyone, AFA president Roy Chan said in a statement on Tuesday (Sept 18).

Section 377A is discriminatory and stigmatises men who have sex with men as well as people living with HIV and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Aids), Professor Chan said.

Stigma and discrimination are the main barriers to early HIV testing and treatment. “Many men who have sex with men fear that if they go for HIV testing, they will have to reveal that they engage in illegal sexual activity,” Prof Chan said.

Section 377A has stifled HIV prevention campaigns for this group, in particular those who are not “out” and do not patronise gay-identified venues, he added. Read more via Today