US: Diverse UMC Clergy Group Wants 'Gracious' Way for Churches to Leave

A theologically diverse group of United Methodist Church clergy and laity have called on the denomination to create a "gracious" means of allowing congregations to leave.

Next February, the UMC will hold a special session of General Conference to attempt to end their internal debate over the denomination's stance on homosexuality.

In an open letter released earlier this week, clergy who identify as "progressive," "centrist," and "traditionalist" have come together to ask that the Church create a "gracious and equitable process for exit which can be used by any congregation desiring to do so."

The open letter argues that whatever decision may be reached by the UMC next year, it is inevitable that some congregations will desire to leave the denomination.

"We urge that such a process for exit be adopted prior to the consideration of any proposed model or solution," stated the letter.

Read more via Christian Post