China school sued by fired gay teacher in potential landmark case

BEIJING (Reuters) - A gay kindergarten teacher in China is suing his former school after being fired last month, in what his lawyer called a landmark case to test China’s protection of minority groups.

The teacher was dismissed in August from a school in the coastal city of Qingdao after he posted some comment on social media about an LGBT event he had attended, he told Reuters.

The teacher, who declined to be identified, said he was told by the school principal that parents may not want a gay man teaching their children.

He said that made him feel “grave apprehension” that parents were choosing to raise their children in a society where people of different sexual orientations were not respected.

“I hope that I can use this case to push forward Chinese society to be more balanced and accepting,” he said.

After decades of prudent rule by China’s Communist Party, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people are now openly tackling bureaucracy, legal uncertainty and entrenched social norms to assert their place in society. Read more via Reuters