Switzerland: Catholic Bishop: 'The Vast Majority of the Abusers are Homosexuals'

Swiss Auxiliary Bishop Marian Eleganti issued a statement today in which he, in part, defends himself against accusations coming from at least two other Swiss dioceses. These dioceses have distanced themselves from Eleganti after he stated in public the fact that the majority of abusing priests were homosexuals and that a denial of that fact is a cover-up in itself.

The chancellor for the Diocese of Sankt Gallen, Claudius Lauterbacher, claimed in an interview published Sunday by the Swiss national newspaper Der Tages-Anzeiger that such public statements as issued by Eleganti are not acceptable and could cause an increase of “homophobia.” He insists that “homosexuality is not an illness.” Eleganti's words, he also claims, are “distracting” from the abuse crisis which is “about questions of abuse of power, of violence – not about homosexuality.” The Diocese of Basel called Eleganti's words “unbearable” and repeats some of the words of the Diocese of St. Gallen.

Eleganti now repeats those claims, first made during the World Meeting of Families in Ireland, and he substantiates them with documents. He also points out that the two last Popes – Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis – both have established instructions forbidding the admittance of practicing homosexuals or men with deep-seated homosexual inclinations to the priesthood. Read more via LifeSiteNews