Asesinan a cantante de música urbana Kevin Fret

La directora del Cuerpo de Investigación Criminal (CIC) de San Juan, la comandante Mayda Ortiz, comunicó a los medios sobre un posible sospechoso en el asesinato del cantante de música urbana de la comunidad LGBTI, Kevin Fret. 

Según el relato de la comandante, una patrulla del área de Barrio Obrero transitaba cerca de las 5:31 de la mañana por la avenida Eduardo Conde intersección calle Bellview en Santurce, donde había un hombre -quien fue identificado por varias fuentes oficiales a este diario como Kevin Fret- que yacía tendido en el pavimento, mientras un desconocido de tez blanca, bigote y barba negra lo observaba.

Acto seguido, el desconocido que vestía gorra y camiseta color negra, se percató de la presencia de los patrulleros de la Policía, agarró una motora y emprendió su huida del lugar.

Ortiz informó que el cuerpo del artista presentaba dos heridas de bala, una en la cabeza y otra en la cadera. Agregó, que hasta el momento no se conocía un móvil por este crimen.  Read more via el Vocero

Death of Gay Trap Star Kevin Fret Highlights Crisis in Puerto Rico

Latin trap singer Kevin Fret, credited for being the genre’s first openly gay artist, was shot and killed on Thursday, January 10th in the Santurce neighborhood in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Local newspaper El Vocero reports that the 24-year-old had been out riding a Yamaha motorcycle at 5:30 a.m. when he was fatally shot in the head and in the hip. Another man was reportedly seen with Fret on the scene, but quickly fled on his own motorcycle. Police suspect foul play, possibly involving extortion, but have not ruled out the possibility of a hate crime.

Fret’s death is one of 24 homicides recorded on the island in less than two weeks. A top FBI official had declared a “crisis of violence” in Puerto Rico just a day shy of the killing, citing upticks in shootings, gang activity and human trafficking.

In a statement issued to the press on Thursday, Fret’s manager, Eduardo Rodriguez, stated: “Kevin was an artistic soul, a big-hearted dreamer. His passion was music, and [he] still had a lot to do. This violence must stop. There are no words that describe the feeling we have and the pain that causes us to know that a person with so many dreams has to go. We must all unite in these difficult times, and ask for much peace for our beloved Puerto Rico.” Read more via Rolling Stone