France: Paris Opera drops star dancer after homophobic rant

The Paris Opera Ballet has dropped controversial Ukrainian-born dance star Sergei Polunin from a production of "Swan Lake" after he made a homophobic and sexist rant on social media. The mercurial "bad boy of ballet", who was compared to Rudolf Nureyev earlier in his career, blasted gay dancers in an Instagram post last month in which he urged male ballet dancers to "man up".

"Man (sic) should be a man and woman should be a woman, that's the reason you got balls," wrote the dancer, who took Russian nationality in November and is a fervent fan of Russian leader Vladimir Putin. "Females now trying to take on the man role because you don't fuck them and because you are an embarrassment," said the 29-year-old, referring to gay dancers.

They "need a good slap", Polunin continued. "Man (sic) are wolves, are lions. Man are the leaders of the family."

Paris Opera confirmed to AFP on Monday that they had withdrawn their invitation to him to dance the lead in "Swan Lake" next month, a production in which the prince is supposed to be played as a repressed homosexual.

Paris Opera Ballet's artistic director Aurelie Dupont wrote to dancers at the weekend telling of her decision to drop him, calling him a "talented artist" but saying that his public pronouncements were not in keeping with the company's values. Read more via AFP

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Man up to all men who is doing ballet there is already ballerina on stage don't need to be two. Man should be a man and woman should be a woman. Masculine and Feminine energies creates balance. That’s a reason you got balls. Same think Outside ballet, Man what’s wrong with you? Females now trying take on the man role because you don’t fuck them and because you are an embarrassment. Man are wolfs man Are lions man are the leaders of there’s family you suppose to take care of everything ! What happen? Stop being weak be a man be a warrior what’s wrong with you??? No respect for you, life will beat you down put you on your knees and wash you out. need a good slap to wake you up Unbelievable!!! Артистам Балета! Мужик должен быть мужиком на сцене, уже есть балерина, не должно быть двух. Мужчина должен быть мужчиной, а женщина женщиной. Мужская и Женская энергия создает баланс. Вот почему у вас есть яйца. То же самое вне балета, мужики что с вами? Женщины в мире сейчас пытаются стать на роль мужчины Потому что вы их не трахаете и потому что вы позор. Мужик ето волк Мужик кто лев - это глава семьи, которий обо всем позаботится! Что с вами? Хватит быть соплей, будь мужчиной, будь воином, что с тобой такое ??? Никакого уважения к тебе, жизнь побьет тебя, поставит на колени и смоет тебя. Хороший подзатыльник дать , чтобы проснулся Пипец !!!

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