Netherlands: 250 Dutch Pastors Just Signed the Anti-LGBTQ “Nashville Statement”

Remember the Nashville Statement? That was the anti-LGBTQ document created by the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW) and signed by more than 150 evangelical leaders. It condemned marriage equality, rejected the existence of transgender people, and claimed that “faithful Christians” must oppose LGBTQ rights. (It also denied evolution by claiming Adam and Eve were actual people. Just because.)

It was basically a declaration that True Christians™ were against LGBTQ rights, not to mention basic human decency.

Now, that document has been translated into Dutch. It’s been signed by roughly 250 Christian leaders in the Netherlands — all men, of course, some of whom are politicians — and it’s infuriating citizens (including more progressive pastors) who thought their nation cared more about civil rights that these pastors would lead others to believe.

According to [Dutch newspaper] Trouw, the 250 male signatories come from, among others, the Restored Reformed Church, the Reformed Congregations and the Christian Reformed Churches and the Protestant Church in the Netherlands (PKN).

One of the opponents of the pamphlet is Willem Smouter, pastor in Apeldoorn and chairman at the [Christian broadcasting network] EO. He writes on Twitter: “I want to say as clearly as possible: do not believe this! Whatever your identity is, male or female, Jew or heathen, gay or straight, you are welcome in God’s house.”

Read more via Patheos

Honderden orthodox-protestantse predikanten ondertekenen anti-lhbti-pamflet

Honderden orthodox-protestantse predikanten, voorgangers en politici hebben hun handtekening gezet onder een tekst die zich stevig uitspreekt tegen homoseksualiteit en transgenders. In het pamflet wordt beschreven dat "God het huwelijk heeft bedoeld als een levenslange verbondsrelatie tussen één man en één vrouw."

Naast voornamelijk voorgangers is de verklaring ook ondertekend door SGP-fractievoorzitter Kees van der Staaij. Vanwege de zondagsrust was hij niet bereikbaar voor commentaar. SGP-senator Diederik van Dijk en voormalig lijstduwer van de ChristenUnie Orlando Bottenbley tekenden ook.

Volgens Trouw komen de 250 mannelijke ondertekenaars uit onder andere de Hersteld Hervormde Kerk, de Gereformeerde Gemeenten en de Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerken en de Protestantse Kerk in Nederland (PKN).

Het gaat om de Nederlandse vertaling van de Nashville-verklaring, een document dat in 2017 werd opgesteld in de Verenigde Staten. Daarin staat beschreven hoe christenen moeten omgaan met het geloof, het huwelijk en seksualiteit.

De toon in de Nederlandse versie, met de titel Een gezamenlijke verklaring over Bijbelse seksualiteit, is sterk anti-lhbti. In artikel 10 van het document staat bijvoorbeeld: "Wij bevestigen dat het zondig is om homoseksuele onreinheid of transgenderisme goed te keuren." Read more via NOS

Hundreds of orthodox Protestant pastors sign anti-lgbti pamphlet

Hundreds of orthodox Protestant pastors, pastors and politicians have signed a text that speaks out firmly against homosexuality and transgender people. The pamphlet describes that "God meant marriage as a lifelong covenant relationship between one man and one woman."

In addition to mainly predecessors, the statement was also signed by SGP party leader Kees van der Staaij. Because of the Sunday rest he was not available for comment. SGP senator Diederik van Dijk and former list pusher of the ChristenUnie Orlando Bottenbley also signed.

According to Trouw, the 250 male signatories come from, among others, the Restored Reformed Church, the Reformed Congregations and the Christian Reformed Churches and the Protestant Church in the Netherlands (PKN).

It concerns the Dutch translation of the Nashville declaration, a document that was drawn up in 2017 in the United States. It describes how Christians should deal with faith, marriage and sexuality.

The tone in the Dutch version , titled A joint declaration on biblical sexuality, is strongly anti-lhbti. For example, Article 10 of the document states: "We affirm that it is sinful to approve homosexual uncleanness or transgenderism."