Colombia: The union, goal in the speech of Claudia López

"Today was the day of girls, of young people, of women, of families made freehand, like yours and mine!" This was the beginning of Claudia López's speech minutes after knowing her victory at the polls. Then she talked about the need to overcome polarization in the city. "We're going to join Bogotá," she said. She added: "We are going to make a government for everyone."

Also, on several occasions, she reinforced his image as a woman, ordinary citizen and diverse person. “Bogotá chose a life story, a trajectory, a type of leadership to govern for the good of all. It chose the leadership of a woman after centuries of government of men, houses and political cots. ”

But, although this was a speech that was fixed on the identity, she did not leave out several of the crucial themes of her campaign. “ She won the decision to build a decent, sustainable mass transit system based on a subway network and not in TransMilenio . Today, Bogotá voted to recover its security and tranquility, so that the Mayor's Office will listen again with respect to citizens, ” López said, recalling several of her programmatic flags.

Ómar Oróstegui - director of Bogotá How We Go - recognized that this bet caló: “Bogotá is a city that is changing; the middle class is growing and new issues are registered in the citizen agenda, in urban sustainability issues, in particular from environmental, gender and social claims groups. The elected mayor managed to tune into very territorial problems and the needs of the new generations. ” Read more via El Tiempo