Czech Republic: ILGA-Europe, Stronger Together

This is the year in which we celebrate 50 years of Stonewall, a moment to acknowledge the journey and celebrate our incredible collective achievements. Around the world Stonewall is considered the start of the ‘modern LGBT(I) movement’.

The ILGA-Europe anniversary conference agenda includes plenary sessions, workshops, counseling and small-format discussions triggered by the participants themselves. It will be a unique opportunity to get to know new topics of the LGBT+ world, interesting views, but also unique people, committed to the fight for LGBTQI+ rights in various countries, with various levels of freedom.

It will be organised in close cooperation with two local host organisations: Proud and Prague Pride.

So what is the Annual Conference all about again?

  • The conference is an agenda-setting moment for European LGBTI movements. This is the moment every year when LGBTI movements identify priorities for the coming year and strengthen effectiveness in bringing change that matters to LGBTI people.

  • The conference connects activists and enablers of change. This year, the conference will take place in Prague, organised in close cooperation with local Czech host organisations Proud and Prague Pride. Our conference will be an important moment in which we will have the opportunity to recognise, unite and progress the efforts of our diverse communities. At a crucial time of change to the political landscape in Europe, in our region and globally, we will also discuss, share and create momentum with fellow activists and enablers of change to explore and build on our work for the LGBTI movements in its many diversities with key political allies.

  • The conference is about building on our diversity. The conference creates spaces for the wide diversity of voices from our movements to be heard, and enables important conversations about how we use our diversity as one of our greatest strengths. It is a space to find ever better ways of working, in full solidarity with each other. We bring understanding each other’s needs at the core of change making, because it influences the way in which we talk to each other, the way in which priorities are set and the way in which politics are shaped.

  • The conference is a place to get inspiration and to be empowered. It is where you can come to get energy to continue the work towards more and better change. Change doesn’t happen overnight, it takes courage and inspiration. Change can be inspired and fueled by positive stories and by using our energy to focus on areas of common ground.

Last, but certainly not least, the conference is ILGA-Europe’s Annual General Meeting. It is the place where member organisations come together to decide on the overall governance and strategic direction of the organisation.

Read more via ILGA-Europe