Remembering the 311 trans people murdered in the last year on Transgender Day of Remembrance


Candles will be lit, bouquets of flowers laid and silences taken as trans folk and allies come together to celebrate Trans Day of Remembrance.

To coincide with the day dedicated to paying respect to the trans folk who have lost their lives, a trans activist group released a damning report revealing that 311 trans people have been killed in the last year.

According to Transrespect Versus Transphobia Worldwide, Brazil has been the site of around 130 reported killings of trans and gender-diverse people between October 2018 and September 2019.

Around 30 trans people were killed in there US during that period. Around 19 of which were this year alone.

However, these numbers understate the problem, activists warn.

Local officials are not required to report killings to central databases in the US, and as authorities, family and loved ones may misgender, it means many trans people’s deaths may go unreported. Read more via Pink News