Thailand: LGBT+ activists in legal bid to force marriage equality

by Rina Chandran

BANGKOK, Nov 22 (Openly) - Thai LGBT+ activists submitted a legal challenge to the Constitutional Court on Friday in a bid to change laws that limit marriage to between a man and a woman, the latest in a series of attempts to achieve marriage equality in Asia.

The definition of marriage in Thailand's Civil and Commercial Code, which deals with the rights of private persons, goes against the constitution which states that "all persons are equal before the law, and shall have rights and liberties and be protected equally under the law", according to LGBT+ activists.

"There is no provision to allow persons of the same gender to be able to register marriage," LGBT+ advocacy the Foundation for SOGI Rights and Justice (FOR-SOGI) said in a statement.

"Refusal to allow LGBT couples to legally marry affects many citizens who cannot access rights according to the law," said the group, which filed the legal challenge. Read more via Openly