Kenya: I was created this way — Kenyan lesbian pastor opens up

Evangelist Jacinta Nzilani Kilonzo is no ordinary pastor. Unlike some of her colleagues who are married, divorced or single, Nzilani is a lesbian and a proud one for that matter. Recently, during an interview with a local radio station, the mother of three revealed that she has never been attracted to men and she realized this when she was just 16 years old.

“When I was 16 I realized that I was attracted to women more than men. It is not a habit, it is something that is inside me,” she said.

Initially, Nzilani aspired to be a sister in the Catholic church due to her background and even made efforts to join a convent when she was 18. However, during the first days, she met a priest in Machakos County who asked her out and fondled her, something she was not comfortable with.

“I did not know any man at the time and what the priest did to me really bruised my ego. I went back home but I was ridiculed and married off to a man who was almost twice my age,” she said. Nzilani revealed that she was never happy in the marriage even though she got three children.

“My husband succumbed to cancer in 2008 after a 25-year marriage and this affected me. My in-laws turned against me and some even beat me up saying I had brought a curse on their family,” she recalled. At the time, Nzilani was already in ministry but most members of her church left after her husband’s death and she had to start from scratch. Read more via Standard Media