Malaysia: Authorities release video with instructions on how to ‘reverse’ homosexuality


Authorities in Malaysia have released a three-minute video suggesting that sexual orientation can be changed with “extensive training and guidance”.

The Malaysian Islamic Development Department, known as Jakim, released the video encouraging the Islamic community to “be patient” with LGBT+ Malaysians and urging LGBT+ people to repent.

Malaysia still has British colonial-era laws criminalising gay sex, with punishment including fines and up to 20 years in prison. LGBT+ people have no legal protections against discrimination in the predominantly Islamic country.

Jakim’s video told LGBT+ people to repent their homosexuality and fulfil their sexual desires through marriage and fasting, according to the Wellston Journal.

The Facebook video has received mixed feedback, with some praising Jakim for what they perceived as it’s relatively positive stance towards LGBT+ people. Read more via Pink News