Spain's far-right debuts in Senate by blocking anti-homophobia motion

Spain's far-right party Vox debuted in the upper house of parliament by blocking a motion calling for an official stance against homophobia in sport.

Vox automatically obtained the right to send one representative to the senate after it won 12 seats in a regional election in Andalusia in December, the first electoral success for the far-right in Spain in four decades.

The declaration that was meant to mark support for policies combating homophobia in sports, ahead of the International Day against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia, required unanimity to be adopted. Vox's Senator José Alcaraz took part in his first senate session on Wednesday. A Senate official said the proposal had been pulled late that day after Alcaraz signalled he would not back it.

"In Spain, there is no LGTBphobia," the party's official account also tweeted. Read more via Openly