US: 25 Donor Networks Worth $1B Pledge to Cut Funds From 'Hate Groups,' Citing SPLC

This week, 25 donor networks worth more than $1 billion launched the "Hate Is Not Charitable" campaign, to cut off funds from organizations marked as "hate groups" by the far-left smear factory the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Behind the campaign's catchy title lies a humongous problem: the SPLC routinely demonizes mainstream conservative and Christian groups as "hate groups," listing them with the Ku Klux Klan.

Amalgamated Bank, whose charitable foundation spearheaded the effort, did not respond to multiple requests for comment from PJ Media.

"It's irresponsible for the Amalgamated Foundation to copy and paste SPLC's propaganda about peaceful, mainstream Christian groups in a misguided campaign to attack their funding," Jeremy Tedesco, senior counsel and vice president of U.S. advocacy at Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), told PJ Media.

"It is appalling and offensive to compare peaceful Christian organizations like Alliance Defending Freedom with violent and racist groups," Tedesco explained. "The Southern Poverty Law Center attacks on ADF are false and mischaracterize our work. But that’s exactly what the SPLC does."

Indeed, the SPLC faces multiple lawsuits, including a defamation suit from D. James Kennedy Ministries (DJKM). John Rabe, DJKM's director of creative production, called the SPLC "a deeply discredited organization that is clearly grinding a far-left-wing ax."

"We have a federal lawsuit pending against the SPLC because of its false and defamatory claims about us. It has similarly smeared numerous other Bible-believing organizations that are simply upholding the unanimous (and unambiguous) historical position of the Christian church on issues of marriage, sexuality, and gender," he said. Read more via PJ Media