Czech prime minister supports marriage equality

Czech Republic Prime Minister Andrej Babiš stated during a conservative TV station's political talk show Sunday that he supports same-sex marriage and will vote for a measure.

Currently, there are two marriage bills being discussed in the Czech parliament. One is the opposition's proposal, which would change the definition of marriage in the country's constitution to only between a man and a woman. The other is the government's same-sex marriage bill.

The two bills are being taken together to be voted on for the first reading. If either bill is passed, it will go onto the next two readings to be voted on by the lower and upper house of the Czech parliament before making its way to Czech President Miloš Zeman's desk.

Babiš, who founded, and is a member of, the Anti-Establishment Party, supported registered domestic partnerships, which passed in 2006. In his TV statement he was circumspect, declaring that his position isn't his party's, freeing up members to vote according to their conscience. Read more via Bay Area Reporter