Hong Kong’s Equal Opportunities Commission warns against ‘hastily made law’ to protect sexual minority rights

The new chief of Hong Kong’s anti-discrimination watchdog has avoided committing himself to pushing the government for legislation to protect sexual minority rights, warning a “hastily made law” would do more harm than good in society.

Ricky Chu Man-kin, who started his three-year term as chairman of the Equal Opportunities Commission on Thursday, also stressed that the watchdog should remain neutral on the issue of LGBT rights to win the trust of opposing sides.

Chu’s stance appeared to contrast with that of some of his predecessors, including Alfred Chan Cheung-ming, Dr York Chow Yat-ngok and Lam Woon-kwong, who attended gay rights events and were vocal in advocating for the government to have laws to protect sexual minorities.

“I agree that [same-sex marriage] is a human right. But that does not mean we should ignore other things and get that right at any expense,” said Chu, outlining his beliefs as he met the press on his first day in the post. Read more via SCMP