Kenya: AIPCA, AIPCK hold separate functions despite peace deal

Leadership wrangle between the African Independent Pentecostal Church of Africa and its Kenya branch seem to escalate despite deliberations for a merger. 

On Thursday, AIPCA Archbishop Julius Njoroge led congregants in Holy Oil Consecration Ceremony at St Rosary AIPCA Kiithe church in South Imenti, Meru, while AIPCK, led by Archbishop Fredrick Wang’ombe, held a similar ceremony in Nyeri county. Njoroge said there are some forces behind the divisions in the church.

He urged the government to take legal action against anyone involved in the splitting of the church. Njoroge warned his congregants against gayism and lesbianism, noting any member of the LGBT community who joins the church will be expelled immediately. “The bishops should take immediate action against such members,"  he said. 

Njoroge also said his church fully supports the ongoing Huduma Namba registration and urged Kenyans to embrace the exercise by turning up in large numbers.  Read more via The Star

The bishop begins the search for homosexuals and lesbians in the church

The African Independent Pentecostal Church of Africa (AIPCA) in the country, Bishop Julius Njoroge has commissioned bishops and pastors to establish a gay and lesbian search in the church.

Speaking during the annual anointing in the church of AIPCA Kiithe, Meru County, Bishop Njoroge said he could not tolerate such behavior within the church as it was contrary to African religious and cultural teachings.

Bishop Njoroge said he honored the court's recent decision to allow homosexuals in the country to form their coalition but insisted that they were not welcomed in the church because they would destroy the good values ​​of the AIPCA believers.

“I command a strict action to be taken against any believer who preaches about homosexuality or a member of a gay group. Their behavior is against the values ​​of our church where it teaches about ethics. Homosexuality is also the opposite of our cultures as Africans, ” he said. “Any believer responsible for homosexuality is that because homosexuals and lesbians were given permission to form their alliances with the court, he should be taken to a strict remedy for eviction. Our bishops should do this, ”he added.

The religious leader emphasized that the church has the responsibility to verify his sheep and their teachings according to the Bible. Read more via Taifa Leo

Askofu aanza msako wa kuwatimua mashoga na wasagaji kanisani

MKUU wa Kanisa la African Independent Pentecostal Church of Africa (AIPCA) nchini, Askofu Julius Njoroge amewaamrisha Maaskofu na Makasisi kuanzisha operesheni ya kuwatimua kanisani mashoga na wasagaji kwa kukosa maadili.

Akizungumza wakati wa ibada ya kila mwaka ya upako katika kanisa la AIPCA Kiithe, Kaunti ya Meru, Askofu Njoroge alisema hawezi kuvumilia tabia hiyo ndani ya kanisa kwa kuwa ni kinyume cha mafundisho ya dini na tamaduni ya Afrika.

Askofu Njoroge alisema anaheshimu uamuzi wa juzi wa korti ulioruhusu makundi ya mashoga nchini kuunda miungano yao lakini akasisitiza mashoga hao hawakaribishwi katika kanisa hilo kwa sababu wataharibu maadili mema ya waumini wa AIPCA.

“Naamrisha hatua kali ichukuliwe dhidi ya muumini yeyote anayehubiri kuhusu ushoga au mwanachama wa kundi la mashoga. Tabia zao ni kinyume na maadili ya kanisa letu amalo linatoa mafunzo kuhusu maadili. Ushoga pia ni kinyume cha tamaduni zetu kama Waafrika,” akasema. “Muumini yeyote anayehusika na ushoga eti kwa sababu mashoga na wasagaji walipewa idhini ya kuunda miungano yao na korti, anafaa kuchukuliwa hatua kali ya kuondolewa kanisani. Maaskofu wetu wanafaa kutekeleza hilo,” akaongeza.

Kiongozi huyo wa kidini alisisitiza kuwa kanisa lina jukumu la kuhakisha kondoo wake wana maadili na mafundisho yake yanafaa kulingana na bibilia. Read more via Taifa Leo