Malaysia must not bow to international pressure on LGBT issues

Malaysia must not bow down to international pressure over lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues, says PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

He said although the country had to take into consideration the concerns of the international community, foreigners did not have any right to dictate terms on the issue.

"We must be fiercely independent, decide what is best for our country, representing the aspiration of our own people," he told reporters after attending the National Youth Conference 2019 on Wednesday (May 15).

On May 14, Deputy Foreign Minister Datuk Marzuki Yahya had said US actor George Clooney should be more aware of what he said about Malaysia after the Oscar-winning actor mistakenly commented on US talk show Ellen that Indonesia and Malaysia were countries considering the death penalty for homosexuality.

Anwar said there were humanitarian issues as well as concerns over human rights and justice in such matters, "but to suggest that the US or other foreigners dictate our terms, and we must abide, I don't think we can govern like that.

"We have to realise that we have our own system and leadership that is free to protect the interest of the country and its people. Read more via The Star