Ecuador's highest court legalizes same-sex marriage

Ecuador's highest court has ruled to recognize same-sex marriage, marking a watershed moment for LGBTQ rights in the Catholic-majority country.

Judges on Quito's constitutional court ruled five-to-four on Wednesday to overhaul the country's laws, arguing that its current marriage legislation was discriminatory and unconstitutional, and that same-sex couples should be allowed equal rights. The four dissenting judges said that changes to the Ecuadorean constitution should be decided and approved by the government and not the court.

Ecuador's National Assembly will still be required to officially change the laws that define the institution of marriage. Constitutional lawyer Salim Zaidán told CNN, however, that Wednesday's verdict was binding and that same-sex couples would be able to marry as soon as the constitutional court notifies local government offices of their decision. The court has 10 days to do so. The National Assembly will then introduce -- and pass -- a bill that will modify the country's current marriage law from its current definition as a union between a man and a woman only.

The case was brought to the constitutional court by two same-sex couples who had petitioned for the right to marry.

On Wednesday, LGBTQ activists and supporters outside the courthouse hailed the celebration as a victory for a movement that has long campaigned for equal marriage rights. Same-sex marriage advocate Pamela Troya, who had been denied a license to marry her partner, Gaby Correa in 2013, told CNN she was "overwhelmed with emotion," after a six-year fight. Read more via CNN