Costa Rica Education Minister Resigns Under Fire

Costa Rica’s education minister Edgar Mora Altamarino resigned his post following protests by students against policies including his support for gender-neutral bathrooms. “The difficult, convulsive and complex times, summon to compose harmony between thoughts and emotions, are not a good time for despair or even for hope, and they demand from us a lot of prudence and a lot of patience.

“In a country like Costa Rica, no one should have an excuse not to be placed in a position of support for the rule of law, and its multiple individual and collective guarantees, which are neither divisible nor postponable,” as Mora read in his letter of resignation tendered Monday to president Carlos Alvarado during a press conference at Casa Presidencial.

In the protests, this past week in various parts of the country,  included members of the Pentecostal Christian-aligned opposition party, as well as transportation and education groups. They criticized Mora on multiple fronts, including his proposal to allow transgender students to use the bathroom according to the gender with which they identify.

The 2018 election cycle was marked by clashes between Pentecostal Christian candidate Fabricio Alvarado Munoz over his criticism of same-sex marriage and what he called “gender ideology” that he said was promoted by the centre-left ruling party. Read more via Q