Tunisia: An openly gay candidate is running for president, a milestone for the Arab world

Lawyer Mounir Baatour officially announced his candidacy for the Tunisian presidency Thursday, becoming the first known openly gay presidential candidate in the Arab world and heralding a major step forward for LGBT rights in a country that still criminalizes gay sex.

Baatour, the president of Tunisia’s Liberal Party, presented his candidacy to the country’s election commission a day ahead of a Friday deadline to qualify for the Sept. 15 election. He received nearly 20,000 signatures in support of his candidacy — double the required number — according to a statement posted to his Facebook page.

“This enthusiasm already testifies to the immense will of the Tunisian people, and especially its youth, to see new a political wind blowing on the country and to concretely nourish its democracy,” the statement said, calling Baatour’s candidacy “historic.”

The election was moved up by two months after the death of former president Beji Caid Essebsi in late July.

Baatour insists that his personal sexual identity did not drive his decision to enter the race, nor will it “interfere” in his candidacy. He said in an interview his record as a lawyer and human rights activist qualifies him for the country’s top job. Read more via Washington Post