Indonesia: Breaking the Promise of Marriage Can Be Criminal

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia - Member of the Working Committee (Panja) of the Draft Book of the Criminal Law ( RKUHP ) completed the discussion on the RKUHP on Sunday (9/15) night. The RKUHP will be brought to the DPR Plenary Meeting to be ratified on September 24, 2019.

One of the articles discussed in the RUKHP is the adultery article which is divided into articles 417, 418, 419 and 420. Article 417 of the RKUHP regulates the threat of a one year criminal offense against people who have sex outside of marital relations. In that article it is stated that anyone who commits intercourse with someone who is not his husband or wife could be threatened with crime because of adultery.

"Threatened criminal for adultery with a maximum imprisonment of 1 (one) year or a fine of Category II," reads article 147 paragraph 1 in the RKUHP. The criminal offense can be prosecuted if there is a complaint from the husband, wife, parents, or children of the offender. However, complaints can be withdrawn as long as the examination at the court hearing has not begun.

In addition, Article 419 of the RUKHP regulates criminal threats against people who gather together or live together without marriage. "Everyone who commits to live together as husband and wife outside of marriage shall be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 6 (six) months or a maximum fine of Category II," said article 419 paragraph 1 of the RKUHP. The criminal act for a cohabiting offender can be carried out if there is a prosecution or complaint from the husband, wife, parents or children. Complaints can be withdrawn as long as the examination at the court hearing has not begun.

One of the articles highlighted is article 223 and 224 concerning the prohibition of attacking the dignity of the president and vice president. The two articles threaten people who insult the president with a maximum sentence of 3.5 years and 4.5 years in prison. Read more via CNN