Guatemala: Collection of signatures continues against law that violates sexual rights

SAN SALVADOR (Sputnik) - Thousands of people have already signed on the platform a petition to the Guatemalan Congress to reject the proposal of Law 5272, alleging that said draft is unconstitutional and violates human rights.

"Guatemala needs to create a community even: if this law is disapproved, women, regardless of age, can decide on their body, their life and their future, single parents can enjoy all the benefits that any government plan offers them ", explained Tiziana Morales, promoter of the initiative on

Morales warns that these regulations threaten the peaceful coexistence of Guatemalans, their freedom to decide and the integrity of women and girls who are denied sex education, as well as the citizens' rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender community, intersex and queer ( LGTBIQ ).

The draft stipulates sentences of between 5 and 10 years in prison for women who abort, vetoes sexual education in schools, censors the discussion of forms of sexuality other than heterosexual and prohibits same-sex marriage.

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