Lawmakers for LGBT+ Equality, a series of digital events hosted by the Global Equality Caucus

The Global Equality Caucus is to present a global series of unique digital events, which will connect parliamentarians and elected representatives with civil society and the public to discuss the challenges that LGBT+ people are facing.
Lawmakers for LGBT+ Equality, presented by the Caucus and supported by Google, will be a virtual series of six live discussions, one for each region of the world.

Each regional event will feature elected representatives local to the region, who will discuss topical issues affecting LGBT+ people in their part of the world. This will include an opportunity for contributors to address legislators directly in a ‘town hall’ style segment. There will also be special guest contributions from prominent people in the region about why equality matters so much to them.
The goal of the events is to encourage and support legislators in taking action, and the Caucus will support representatives in feeding back the issues to their national governments, parliaments, and in international discussions such as the upcoming Equal Rights Coalition conference.
The six events will be in Oceania, Central & South America, Europe, Asia, North America & the Caribbean, and Africa. All events are free and open to the public and will be broadcast on YouTube Live, starting with Oceania on 9 November (17:00 AEDT).

We hope that you will be able to get involved. You can use the registration form on our website to sign-up to the events that interest you, and you will receive specific updates ahead of each event.

If you're a legislator or part of civil society and would like to participate in one of the events, please contact us at [email protected].

A more detailed announcement on our Oceania event will follow shortly. In the meantime, you can subscribe to our new YouTube channel 

Read more at the Global Equality Caucus