Tunisia: Solidarity statement with Tunisian Queer movement

Twenty regional human rights advocacy groups released a joint statement in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ movement in Tunisia, led by the organization DAMJ, Association for Justice and Equality. Tunisia has seen an influx in hate speech targeting LGBTQ+ people across social media throughout the summer and fall.

At a time when the onslaught of the hetero-patriarchal structural system and its allies is rising up against the Tunisian Queer movement, and more generally against its allies, defenders of Human Rights , we are concerned about a systematic campaign targeting DAMJ the association for justice and equality, its militants and its friends from its supporting belt, all in order to distort it and discredit it.

DAMJ The association for Justice and equality is the nucleus of the Queer movement in Tunisia and won't be deterred from the fight against the state oppression, the impunity, the barbarism and suppression of the governments before and after the start of the revolutionary path of 17th of December 2010, 14th of January 2011.

DAMJ won't be baffled by these suspicious campaigns targeting the Queer movement in Tunisia, whose goal is to dismantle the Queer community and isolate it from its natural surroundings.

In this regard, it is important for associations and organizations that signed this statement to confirm the following:

  1. Our absolute solidarity and full support for all victims of digital distortion, violence and bullying, and on top, is our militant Assala Medaokhi, and our Hamza Nasri Jridi, human right activist

  2. A call for unity of ranks, and to miss the opportunity for Everyone who want to target, dismantle, and isolate the Queer Community.

The Tunisian democratic movement, headed by the human Rights movement, the feminist movement, and Queer movement, stands ready to raise the voice against the attempts of defamation, bullying, harassment, and in favor of solidarity with the victims.

The signatory organizations :

1.  LTDH, The Tunisian League for Human Rights

2. ATFD, the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women

3.ADLI, Tunisian association for the defense of individual freedoms

4.ADD, the Association for the Promotion of the Right to Difference

5.Southern Citizen Dancers

6. Mnemty Association

7. Association "BYLHWEM"

8. The Nachaz-Dissonances association

9. DAAM Center for Defense and Human Rights - DAAM

10. Outcast

11. The Tawhida Ben Cheikh Group

12. Tunisian Coalition Against the Death Penalty

13. Association of Tunisian Women for Development Research

14. Aswat Nissa

15. Minority Rights Group signs.

16. OMCT, the world organization against torture

17. OCTT, the Tunisian organization against torture.

18. ASF, lawyers without borders

19. PDMT, psychologist of the world

20.  Damj  for justice and equality

See more via DAMJ
