Belarus may increase the "age of consent". But not for all

by Ales Pilecki

They will also make changes in the plan to the new edition of the Criminal Code to be able to punish for "discrimination institution of the family."  

A letter signed by the Deputy Minister Dmitry Pinevich states that the Ministry of Health is "in favor of the promotion of traditional family values ​​and support the following proposals under the draft law". On changes in the Code in matters of civil and criminal liability "including the introduction of criminal and administrative responsibility for the dissemination of information, discrediting Institute family and marriage and family relations."

 “And also in favor of an increase from 16 to 18 years of age, before the onset of which sexual intercourse and other sexual acts with a minor of the same sex shall be punished in accordance with the criminal law (Article 168). "

The fact that Belarus planned changes to the Administrative and Criminal Codes, became known in early February.

Human rights activist: it is not the scope of activities of the Ministry of Health

"I hope that we will not come to this, - commented on the Freedom of possible changes of criminal law chairman of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Aleh Hulak. - When the Health Ministry begins to care what values, what values, in general, in addition to the value of health, the question arises, in its place, these people? What do they do and what they are paid?”

“The issue of criminalization, at what age and for what, this is not the scope of activities of the Ministry of Health. They could speak about the research. About the age at which a person is responsible for his actions, when can we expect this responsibility from him. Not seeing these proposals fully, fairly difficult to comment. Especially in the context of connection with traditional values. Here, I think, is the case when the authorities believe that if something is banned, it will disappear. This kind of childish innocence, multiplied by the lack of legal logic, and confidence in their government. " Read more via Radio Liberty