Senegal: President Macky Sall says banning homosexuality "is nothing homophobic"

"I am always in the defense of human rights and I always bring these issues wherever I go," said Justin Trudeau, visiting Dakar. Received by Senegalese President Macky Sall, Trudeau said that Senegal was "a leader in terms of democracy, in terms of values. We all have more work to do."

Asked about the ban on homosexuality in Senegal, Justin Trudeau kicked in touch. But according to the Senegalese president, prohibiting intercourse between two people of the same sex is nothing homophobic.

The Head of State justified himself by referring to "cultural specificities" specific to his country. "That is not possible because our society does not accept it. Society will evolve, it will take the time it will take. Each country has its own metabolism," said the Senegalese president. 

Homosexual acts are penalized by Senegalese law, which punishes them with sentences of one to five years' imprisonment. The Criminal Code speaks of "immodesty or unnatural act with an individual of his sex."

Read more via La de Peche