Brazil: Municipal law of 'gender ideology' unconstiutional

The STF (Supreme Federal Court) ministers unanimously voted against a municipal law that vetoed the discussion of gender in schools. The court declared a New Gama (GO) law unconstitutional on the so-called "gender ideology".

Since the 17th, the Supreme Court judged, in a virtual session, an ADPF (complaint of non-compliance with a fundamental precept) proposed by the PGR (Attorney General's Office), against the 2015 law. The analysis of the municipal legislation was concluded this Friday (24).

Under the questioned law, "material with information of a gender ideology" was prohibited in schools in Nova Gama. The expression "gender ideology" is not recognized in the educational universe. It is used by conservative and religious groups opposed to the debate on sexual diversity and gender identity.

The fight against gender approaches gained strength in Brazil with the movement called Escola Sem Partido and also with legislative initiatives linked to Bolsonarist groups.

The rapporteur for the action at the Supreme Court, Minister Alexandre de Moraes, agreed with the PGR's understanding that the law violates "formal and material" principles and constitutional provisions.

According to the PGR, the law of the municipality of Goiás violates, among other points, the right to equality, the secularity of the State, the private competence of the Union to legislate on guidelines and bases of national education, the right to freedom to learn, teach, research and disseminate thought. Read more via NSC Total