COVID19: Impact on LGBTIQ Adolescents and Youth in Southeast Asia, survey

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Youth Voices Count, Equal Asia Foundation, Prism Chat, and UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office

Take the survey!


This survey is for LGBTIQ young people living in East and Southeast Asia, and is run by Youth Voices Count, Equal Asia Foundation and Prism Chat in collaboration with UNICEF Regional Office for East Asia and Pacific.

We recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately impacts the human rights and physical and psychological wellbeing of LGBTIQ communities due to ongoing quarantine and state-of-emergency measures  in the region. For example, LGBTIQ youth are forced to remain in quarantine in homes unaccepting of their sexual and gender identities. For many youth, who have not yet disclosed their identities, the long-term psychological impacts of these lockdowns have detrimental effects to the lives of LGBTIQ youth.

To better understand how the global crisis affects you, we are running this rapid survey. This survey is meant to start a conversation for how we can better support you. Following the survey, Youth Voices Count and UNICEF plan to host an online dialogue to dig deeper into some of the more pressing issues, and this survey will help us curate that session better.

Answering the survey

If you are an LGBTIQ youth, ages 35 years and below, living in East and Southeast Asia, we look forward to hearing from you through the survey below.

The survey shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes. Kindly submit your response by May 15th, 2020. If you have any questions and clarifications, you may email us at [email protected]

Thank you for your time! Stay safe and well!

Anonymity and Privacy

All answers provided will be accessible only to Youth Voices Count, Equal Asia Foundation, and Prism Chat. Names or email addresses are not required.  UNICEF and other UN agencies will not have access to your individual responses. If you choose to share your email address, this will not be shared with UNICEF or UN agencies. Email addresses submitted are optional and only shared with Youth Voices Count.

The results of the survey will not be connected to your name and you will not be identified through the survey. 

The findings will be used to inform country-level action plans led by UNICEF, noting that UNICEF focuses on supporting adolescents (10-19 year olds) and children. These findings will be added to the upcoming discussion paper to be developed by Youth Voices Count on the effects of CoVid-19 on LGBTIQ youth in the region, and recommendations to address health emergencies like this in the future.