Hungary: Transvanilla Association representing two trans applicants turns to the Constitutional Court

The amendment to the Act on Civil Registration Procedure, which outlaws legal gender recognition in Hungary comes into effect after being signed by János Áder, President of Hungary. The Constitutional Court remains the last option in the country to stop the government’s amok run. Transvanilla Transgender Association on behalf of two persons affected by the law, files a constitutional complaint to the Constitutional Court the day it comes into force, seeking a declaration that the law is unconstitutional and therefore should be annulled.

Meanwhile, the cases of 23 individual applicants, represented by Transvanilla, are also being examined by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Both fundamental rights bodies have declared stated in their previous decisions that the right to change name and gender (legal gender recognition) is a fundamental right based to human dignity and self-determination.

Transvanilla continues the campaign aiming to open the possibility of legal gender recognition in Hungary. As part of this, we provide legal representation to all trans and intersex people, who would like to launch their gender recognition cases after the bill came into force. Because in Hungary there is no possibility to do so, we take these future cases to the European Court of Human Rights.We ask all Hungarian and International civil society organisation to join our call and show their support for Hungarian trans and intersex people. Ask the government to provide the possibility for legal gender recognition in Hungary! Organisations can join on this link

We also launched a petition to ask Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission to condemn the Hungarian government for this action and ensure all possible tools are being used to protect the fundamental rights of Hungarian trans and intersex people!

If you know any Hungarian trans or intersex persons, please contact them, support them in these hard times and help them to bear what is impossible to bear!

We will not stop and will never give up! Trans and intersex rights are human rights and we all have the right for humane treatment!

Post this on social media: I stand in solidarity with Hungarian trans and intersex people and call out the Hungarian government to provide them opportunity to get their real gender legally recognised! #IgentaNemre #LGRforHungary #TransRightsAreHumanRights #IntersexRightsAreHumanRights

01 April 2020 - PRESS RELEASE: The Hungarian government moves to ban legal gender recognition 

19 May 2020 - Legal gender recognition (LGR) for Hungary! 

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