Global Pride 2020: Exist, Persist, Resist

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The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on Pride organisations worldwide with hundreds of marches and events cancelled or postponed. Global Pride provides an opportunity for the LGBTI+ community around the world to come together and celebrate diversity and equality during these challenging times.

Global Pride 2020 was launched on 1 April as a partnership between InterPride, the European Pride Organisers Association, and national Pride networks in several countries. It’s being led by a team of volunteers from every region of the world who are all committed to ensuring that everyone, everywhere, can take part in Pride this June.


Global Pride 2020 will be just like any other Pride, with a rich mix of speeches, performances, film and calls to action to support and campaign for LGBTI+ equality and human rights all over the world. 

If you’re from a Pride organisation, check out this information to find out how to get involved.

On these pages you can find out more about performing and volunteering your time for Global Pride.

Global Pride will reflect the beautiful diversity of our community, and we are especially keen to hear from bi, trans and intersex contributors.


Pride is a human rights movement and Global Pride will highlight the struggle for LGBTI+ equality around the world. For the spoken segments, we want 90 second speeches from established LGBTI+ activists and human rights defenders in which they talk about the issues affecting their community. This might focus on erasure of bisexual voices, the attacks on trans rights, hate crime, government inaction on LGBTI+ equality, or any other issue relevant to their community. Or it might be a group message from your Pride or community organisation to send solidarity to Global Pride viewers around the world.

The speaker(s) can include a call to action (i.e. ‘please visit for more information’) but it must not include a fundraising message or mention of a sponsor. Remember, we want authentic voices of activism from within the community. Speakers should not introduce themselves in the segment as introductions will be by voice-over and captioning.

If you wish to submit a speech from a significant public figure (such as a leading politician) please email [email protected] to discuss.


For decades, Prides have showcased the incredible talent from within our communities and Global Pride will do the same. For the performance segments, we want four minute performances from LGBTI+ artists who are endorsed by an established Pride organisation. These segments will include singers, bands, drag artists, dancers, visual artists, comedians – literally any performing artist from within the community.

Due to music licensing, we are much more likely to use content where performers who use music are using their own music rather than music for which royalties are payable. Music licensing is full of legal complexities and we are working through this at the moment. Performers should not introduce themselves in the segment as introductions will be by voice-over and captioning.


If you want to suggest other content, please email [email protected] with your suggestion.


Submitting content to us is no guarantee that we will use it. Editorial decisions will be made by the Production team in consultation with our partner organisations.

Content that is filmed incorrectly will not be used. If you’re filming on a mobile device, make sure you read our guidance on how to film. If you’re using professional camera equipment, please film in high definition. You may edit your clip if you wish but do not add icons, graphics, frames or captioning or the clip will not be used. We just want the basic film.

Once you have recorded your content, you can submit your content by clicking the button below. You will need to complete a Google Form, and you will then be redirected to a page where you can upload the content itself. The deadline to submit your content was 5 June but we are keeping the process live as a number of Prides have asked for extensions. See more at Global Pride