US: All Black Lives Matter march will take place June 14


There will still be a march in support of Black Lives Matter in L.A. on June 14. But Christopher Street West, the organization that produces L.A. Pride, will not be involved. After announcing a solidarity protest march last week, L.A. Pride organizers faced backlash for seeking a police permit to hold the event and for not collaborating with Black Lives Matter leadership before announcing it.

On Friday evening, the board of directors posted an apology on social media and said it was “reevaluating” the event. On Monday afternoon, the board posted a statement on social media saying a march would happen on June 14, but without the involvement of Christopher Street West.

“The CSW board members who conceived the idea for the march began speaking with Black LGBTQ+ leaders and organizations in advance of the announcement, however they had not been able to align directly with Black Lives Matter leaders prior to the announcement. For that, we apologize to the Black Lives Matter Organizers,” the statement read. It also said permits had been withdrawn and there would be no involvement from police. “This is not a Pride Parade or celebration event. This is a solidarity protest march and there will be no corporate participation.”

The All Black Lives Matter march will be organized by the newly formed Black Advisory Board made up of Black LGBTQ+ leaders and organizations. On the event’s website, the board posted a statement announcing a protest “in direct response to racial injustice, systemic racism, and all forms of oppression” for 10 a.m. on Sunday, June 14. Read more via LA Times