Reimagining HIV2020 Online!

​Registration for HIV2020 Online is entirely free! Just fill out this brief online form and select the sessions you wish to attend. Registration for individual sessions will close 5 days before each event. All sessions will offer simultaneous translation in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Russian.

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Due to COVID-19, the HIV2020 Conference has been re-imagined as a series of 2-hour sessions that will take place via Zoom between the months of July and October. We will conclude HIV2020 by sharing our learnings and highlights from our virtual event on World AIDS Day 2020 in December.

In an extraordinary show of solidarity, an international group of people living with HIV, gay and bisexual men, people who use drugs, sex workers, transgender people, youth, and indigenous advocates are working together to design an alternative online event specifically tailored to the needs of frontline community members. Titled, HIV2020: Community Reclaiming the Global Response, the event is scheduled to take place online, and will launch concurrently with the International AIDS Conference, 2020.

WHY HIV 2020?

Against the recommendations of global community-led networks, the International AIDS Society (IAS) announced United States as the site for its next International AIDS Conference in 2020 at the 2018 AIDS Conference in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Given the Trump administration’s discriminatory travel and immigration laws, detention and family separation policies, the country’s worsening human rights conditions and outright refusal to racial inequalities. The IAS’ decision created a dilemma for many in the global HIV movement and revealed a willingness by mainstream HIV actors to tolerate the discrimination of Black and Brown people, people who use drugs, sex workers, transgender people in U.S. immigration and travel policies.

Despite the recent AIDS2020 announcement that the conference would be held online, the same problematics around sidelining and silencing of community knowledge and expertise still stand. COVID-19 has only further evidenced the need for grassroots community responses designed in ways that address social and structural inequities. HIV2020 Online will be a real opportunity for communities to reclaim the global HIV response.


The overarching goal of HIV2020 is to provide a community-centered and affordable alternative International AIDS Conference.

It will also offer new opportunities to reaffirm the leading role communities play in the global HIV response and challenge top-down knowledge and practices.

HIV 2020 will be key population-led, inter-disciplinary and sex positive.

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· Unfinished business of HIV, including unabated HIV incidence among key populations, and ongoing criminalisation, stigmatisation, and discrimination

· Access to quality HIV treatment and health services

· Community- and key population-led movements and programmes

· Funding/investing in community- and key population-led responses to HIV

· Intersectionality and diversity within key population communities

· Intersectional responses, that is linking HIV with broader health, social justice, and human rights movements.

Check out our full program here


· HIV2020 will use the international visibility of the conference to elevate the situation facing people living with HIV and key populations globally

· To build intersectional solidarity across communities and movements

· To positively influence IAS’ decision making on the location, structure, and content of future International AIDS Conferences, to ensure key population concerns are respected and heard

· To model innovative learning formats and equitable exchange on biomedical science and its real-world application with communities

· To have conversations and debates unlikely to take place at the International AIDS Virtual Conference, whilst showcasing research and programming led by, and centering, the lived experiences of people living with, and disproportionately affected by, HIV.

We will conclude HIV2020 by sharing our learnings and highlights from our virtual event on World AIDS Day 2020 in December.


· Participate. Checkout out the HIV2020 Online Programme. Registration details for our virtual sessions will be online soon.

· Spread the word. We ask community mobilizers to widely share key information, messages, and dates, and mobilize communities to join HIV2020. Join us online with the hashtag #ReclaimTheReponse

In the countdown to the first key population and community-led alternative gathering to the International AIDS Conference, help us spread the word on reframing and co-creating the future HIV response.

For questions and more information, contact us at [email protected]

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